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Bee-Yond Belief Industry Trip

Los Angeles 2024


Our annual trip to Los Angeles was a success! This year, 17 dancers were able to travel with us and live a trip of their lifetime.

They experienced the pro dancer lifestyle by taking classes at world renowned dance studios such as Millennium, Playground, TMilly and more. They received private workshops from icons like Janelle Ginestra, Sienna Lyons, Rudy Garcia, Rex Kline and Alaini Walker. They even had a photoshoot with Lee Gumbs Photography! 

They also had the chance to be tourists and visit LA. They went to hiked up to Hollywood Sign, they danced on Hollywood Boulevard, they took pictures under the Santa Monica Pier, and walked along Venice Beach. 

As much as the training was intensive and important, the highlights were the small moments where people put their guards down, connected, and made lifelong bonds.

We are proud and grateful to have such a wonderful group of dancers. 

Merci à tous nos commanditaires!

Vos précieux dons ont fait de ce rêve une réalité.

BeeYond Belief LA Sponsors 2024.png

Ce voyage ne serait pas possible sans le soutien des entreprises locales, des amis, de la famille et de VOUS. Les fonds ont Ã©té utilisé pour des cours d'atelier enseignés par les meilleurs chorégraphes de l'industrie, des séances photo, des tournages vidéo et les frais de transport.

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